So the idea is to point out a book I love that you might not expect.
Fair enough. For me, that's THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett.
"Aibileen is a black maid in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi, who's always taken orders quietly, but lately she's unable to hold her bitterness back. Her friend Minny has never held her tongue but now must somehow keep secrets about her employer that leave her speechless. White socialite Skeeter just graduated college. She's full of ambition, but without a husband, she's considered a failure. Together, these seemingly different women join together to write a tell-all book about work as a black maid in the South, that could forever alter their destinies and the life of a small town..."
Let's be fair here, it's not my normal wheelhouse. But I also believe in reading outside of my comfort zone. I want to expand my horizons as a reader, the better to be prepared as a writer. What I liked about THE HELP was almost everything. it's a beautifully handled story about racial tensions and growing up in the south in the 60's. It is to my knowledge completely fictional, but a lot of the feel of the era is there. What we often take for granted these days when it comes to any form of equality didn't exist in that era. instead we had the sort of common racism that would send most civilized people into a tailspin.
But what we also have in THE HELP is a truly well handles story of how a few people get together and try to make a difference in a small town community. Call it a social experiment, call it a news article that explodes into a book (fictionally speaking) but at the end of he day what you get our of the story is utterly human. Most of the characters are layered and have depth, something that is lacking far too often in fiction.
One complaint: The entire book is told in epistolary fashion, as a series of letters written by the characters and put together by the main character. One chapter is removed from this format. one single chapter is told in third person. I can understand why, but at the same time, it wasn't completely necessary. In most cases would call it a cheat. I can't say what scene because, well, it's very significant and I don't want to ruin the book, but I guarantee if you've seen the movie or read the book, you'll know it.
Overall, a powerful story told very well indeed. It's a New York Times bestseller and it deserves to be in my honest opinion.
Oh, and Happy Yew Year!
Monday, January 2, 2017
The Help

Sunday, January 1, 2017
Does It Surprise You that I love TWILIGHT?
Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to 2017! May the year bring us opportunities to make ourselves and the world a better place.
Our topic to kick off the new year is The Book People Might Be Surprised To Learn You Love & Why.
I mulled this for some time - because "love" is a strong word. But the books I truly love come as no surprise to anyone.
Thus, I'm picking Twilight.
I've written defenses of this book on a few occasions, so it might not come as a surprise to longtime readers. But I had a conversation with one of my readers recently where she was shocked that I liked this book and series. I wouldn't necessarily say I love this book - though I did when I first read it - but I've kept the series on my shelves and I reference it in teaching.
The book bowled me over when it came out - and a bookseller friend handed it to me. I read it before all the hype, which helped with my expectations. I think it's an amazing example of what can be achieved with building amazing sexual tension in an entirely chaste relationship. More than that - and this is what I explained to my reader friend - this book lit up a huge number of readers. I know so many adults who said this was the first book they'd read since graduating from school. Any number of my favorite book bloggers, the most wonderful and supportive of people, started out as Twilight fans and moved on to read more books in the genre. (For example, Jen Twimon and What's Beyond Forks.)
When books become hugely popular like this one (and series) did, often there's a phenomenon of criticism. Praise begins to feel fatuous - after all, everyone has already gushed - and it's satisfying in some odd way to point out how it's not all THAT wonderful. Look, a flaw!!
But my point is that this book enchanted me. I bet I bought easily five more copies in those early days and gave them to friends, who also loved it. We read the series and discussed it. I had friends whose kids went to midnight release parties to get the next book which - believe me - had simply NEVER happened before that. One friend's 12-year-old son asked her to lie to his friends when they called, answering the phone and telling them he was doing chores, so he could read the new release undisturbed - and without being mocked. That's a powerful story.
So yes, I love Twilight. I love it with the nostalgic affection of how much it initially seized my heart and imagination and sucked me in, as only the best stories do. And I love what it did for reading and for the fantasy and paranormal genre overall.
Our topic to kick off the new year is The Book People Might Be Surprised To Learn You Love & Why.
I mulled this for some time - because "love" is a strong word. But the books I truly love come as no surprise to anyone.
Thus, I'm picking Twilight.
I've written defenses of this book on a few occasions, so it might not come as a surprise to longtime readers. But I had a conversation with one of my readers recently where she was shocked that I liked this book and series. I wouldn't necessarily say I love this book - though I did when I first read it - but I've kept the series on my shelves and I reference it in teaching.
The book bowled me over when it came out - and a bookseller friend handed it to me. I read it before all the hype, which helped with my expectations. I think it's an amazing example of what can be achieved with building amazing sexual tension in an entirely chaste relationship. More than that - and this is what I explained to my reader friend - this book lit up a huge number of readers. I know so many adults who said this was the first book they'd read since graduating from school. Any number of my favorite book bloggers, the most wonderful and supportive of people, started out as Twilight fans and moved on to read more books in the genre. (For example, Jen Twimon and What's Beyond Forks.)
When books become hugely popular like this one (and series) did, often there's a phenomenon of criticism. Praise begins to feel fatuous - after all, everyone has already gushed - and it's satisfying in some odd way to point out how it's not all THAT wonderful. Look, a flaw!!
But my point is that this book enchanted me. I bet I bought easily five more copies in those early days and gave them to friends, who also loved it. We read the series and discussed it. I had friends whose kids went to midnight release parties to get the next book which - believe me - had simply NEVER happened before that. One friend's 12-year-old son asked her to lie to his friends when they called, answering the phone and telling them he was doing chores, so he could read the new release undisturbed - and without being mocked. That's a powerful story.
So yes, I love Twilight. I love it with the nostalgic affection of how much it initially seized my heart and imagination and sucked me in, as only the best stories do. And I love what it did for reading and for the fantasy and paranormal genre overall.
books I love,
Jeffe Kennedy,
Saturday, December 31, 2016
A Toast for the New Year
I certainly wish everyone well in the New Year! and I'll share this saying from ancient Egypt:
May the gods stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk!
May the gods stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk!
Friday, December 30, 2016
New Year Blessing
Your slightly pagan-ish New Year Blessing
(admittedly very northern hemisphere biased which is a pity)
Hail the growing light. Turn your face from the depths of the dark and carry the new borne light within you into the world which cries out for it. As the sun returns in the northern sky, may your hopes and dreams grow in the burgeoning light. May you know prosperity. May you know well-being. May you know joy. May you know peace. Blessed may each of you be.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
End of the year
It's the end of the year, and I've finished the rough draft of Lady's Henterman's Wardrobe, and I've just about gotten the rewrite of the Series Four novel done as well. So with the new year upon us, I leave you with this blessing that's always been a favorite:
May you live as long as you want, and never want for as long as you live.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Release Day: @JeffeKennedy's The Edge of The Blade
We're adding another reason to celebrate this week: Jeffe, our Sunday captain, releases her latest novel in The Uncharted Realms duology. It's a perfect blend of romance and adventure for fans of High Fantasy.
The Twelve Kingdoms rest uneasy under their new High Queen, reeling from civil war and unchecked magics. Few remember that other powers once tested their borders—until a troop of foreign warriors emerges with a challenge...
Jepp has been the heart of the queen’s elite guard, her Hawks, since long before war split her homeland. But the ease and grace that come to her naturally in fighting leathers disappears when battles turn to politics. When a scouting party arrives from far-away Dasnaria, bearing veiled threats and subtle bluffs, Jepp is happy to let her queen puzzle them out while she samples the pleasures of their prince’s bed.
But the cultural norms allow that a Dasnarian woman may be wife or bed-slave, never her own leader—and Jepp’s light use of Prince Kral has sparked a diplomatic crisis. Banished from court, she soon becomes the only envoy to Kral’s strange and dangerous country, with little to rely on but her wits, her knives—and the smolder of anger and attraction that burns between her and him...
The Twelve Kingdoms rest uneasy under their new High Queen, reeling from civil war and unchecked magics. Few remember that other powers once tested their borders—until a troop of foreign warriors emerges with a challenge...
Jepp has been the heart of the queen’s elite guard, her Hawks, since long before war split her homeland. But the ease and grace that come to her naturally in fighting leathers disappears when battles turn to politics. When a scouting party arrives from far-away Dasnaria, bearing veiled threats and subtle bluffs, Jepp is happy to let her queen puzzle them out while she samples the pleasures of their prince’s bed.
But the cultural norms allow that a Dasnarian woman may be wife or bed-slave, never her own leader—and Jepp’s light use of Prince Kral has sparked a diplomatic crisis. Banished from court, she soon becomes the only envoy to Kral’s strange and dangerous country, with little to rely on but her wits, her knives—and the smolder of anger and attraction that burns between her and him...
Jeffe Kennedy,
Release Day,
The Edge of the Blade

The Immortal Spy Series & LARCOUT now available in eBook and Paperback.
Subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when I release a new book.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Holiday Toasts
May the New Year bring you joy, prosperity, and good health and may you have infinite reasons to smile.

Sunday, December 25, 2016
A Holiday Toast
Jeffe Kennedy,
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