Showing posts with label Luck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luck. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2023

Luck Fuel

 How do we know that Marcella is back at the day job full time and that all the projects are on fire? 

She forgets everything. Everything. 

My humble apologies. But. To answer the question: Luck or Hard work

Luck is lovely and you definitely need all of it you can get in this business, but hard work is what makes luck in the first place. Working hard is luck fuel. Stockpile that stuff.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Serendipity and Success - Acknowledging the Reality


A lil reminder that my FALLING UNDER trilogy is now re-released and on Kindle Unlimited! These books are NOT fantasy, but are contemporary erotic romance. If that's the kind of thing you like, then you may like these! 

Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is hard work vs. luck as applies to authorial success.

One of my least favorite pieces of advice from successful authors is when they declare something along the lines of "Just write a good book!" This happens a lot with debut authors, happily reveling in the out-of-the-gate success of their first effort. I say this because authors who've had lots of trunked books or only midlist success almost never say this.


Because they know that writing a good book isn't enough.

Yes, writing a good book is key. Improving our craft as authors is critically important. That's where the hard work comes in. At least, one kind of hard work, the foundational kind. If the books aren't written and revised and polished to the best of our ability, there's nothing to sell. 

On the other hand... luck is a huge factor in publishing. It just IS. That's why I roll my eyes at any successful author who fails to acknowledge the role of serendipity in their rise to (relative) fame and glory. As human beings - especially ones with egos sufficient to withstand the slings and arrows of creative life, which is rife with downs as well as ups - we like to credit ourselves with being awesome. Are we fortunate or are we just that good?

We'd all like to think we're just that good.

The thing is, lots of creators are really good. And lots of good books go nowhere. Acknowledging the role of serendipity in success not only keeps us humble - remember that ego is the enemy! - but also should reassure us when things don't go our way. Authors careers, as previously noted, are rife with ups and downs. We can't control the luck. What we CAN do is work hard and put ourselves out there so the luck can find us. 

Best of luck to you all!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

93% Hard Work; 7% Luck

 This Week's Topic: Luck vs Hard Work

Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity"
-- Roman philosopher Senec

I have to agree with ol' Senec on this one. There's a lot of luck needed to be successful in any business, but no amount of luck will propel you to the commercial heights of King, Steel, Roberts, or Patterson if you don't put in the hard work. With an ever-moving goalpost of what defines success for each of us at various stages of our career, we simply cannot sit on our laurels hoping for "the call" that will vault us into the next level of achievement. Would I love to have a Scalzi or Bardugo eight-figure publishing deal? Suuuuure. Would I be beyond giddy if Netflix or Amazon purchased, produced, and aired one of my series? Yup, yup, yup.

Do I have the sales to attract that sphere of attention? [slaps thigh, dies laughing] Erm, no. Do I have the fan base or critically-placed influencer to put my work in front of the right people? Not that I'm aware. [Yo, I love the fans I do have!] Do I have the angel investor whose resources will ensure my licensed work will survive the gauntlet through the graveyard of abandoned projects? Again, no. [I keep checking the feathers in my yard, but they all came from buzzards. Sigh.]

So many things go wrong behind the scenes over which authors have zero control, be it a traditional 2-book publishing deal or a tv-rights purchase. For the sake of my sanity, I can only stress about the things I can control. The rest is up to...luck. 

There are chances I missed because I wasn't ready for them. I thought I was, but no. I hadn't done the work that would've made me eligible, much less competitive. There is no one to blame for that but myself. Opportunity knocked and I couldn't answer. Sucked, no doubt. Lessons learned the hard way are effective motivations, though. So, now, I put in the hard work. I focus on what I can control. Regardless of whether fortune will favor me, I continue the write, to improve my craft, to organically grow my fan base, and to build a revenue-generating backlist that proves to myself that I've done the best I can.

Should luck visit on the heels of opportunity, I hope to be ready this time. After all, success is 93% hard work and 7% luck.