I'm just back from #WorldCon76, which was a whirlwind of great stuff. I caught a moment of downtime at the lovely Fairmont pool, including a much-needed nap.
This week at the SFF Seven, we're asking "What are you most proud about with regards to your writing?"
It's an interesting question for me, coming out of WorldCon, which is the World Science Fiction convention. While there is some fantasy representation, the con is heavily focused on Science Fiction fandom. It's also an older institution and seems to attract a lot of the "purists" in the field.
SFF fandom can be weird that way, at least to me - and I often feel like an outsider. I sometimes joke that I'm an exoplanet. It's funny to me to discover that I'm as serious a Trekkie as any, though I never got involved in that community. And for me, coming from this blend of SFF and Romance, I'm not really what people who are solidly SSF expect.
And yeah, there's an ongoing perception of Romance Cooties. This one gal came by my autographing table and tried to explain how the romance tropes in Paranormal Romance just hit her all wrong. I explained that I don't write Paranormal Romance - and that it's quite different from Fantasy Romance - and she said "I know, but still."
There's a lot to unpack that way - about reader expectations, internalized misogyny, the perception that positive emotions are less important, that male-gaze sex and romance are fine but the female-gaze versions are "icky" - and none of that is all that relevant to this post. Except to say that it can be easy to from that kind of convention feeling "less than."
Really, any of us can find opportunities to feel that way, right?
Because, the next person to come up to my table said "I didn't know you'd be here or I would've brought all my copies of your books." Then she bought copies of all three that I had so I could sign them for her, and had me sign bookplates for the rest.
It's easy to focus on the negatives and forget the positives. I received a whole lot of positives at WorldCon. People saying I did a fantastic job on a panel, even that I was the best one on it. My fellow SFWA Board members taking time to say how much they appreciate my input on the board. Meetings with friends and fans who think I'm special.
I think that being proud of what we write takes constant reaffirmation. Like renewing vows in a marriage. I've known from the beginning that my choices would make my career more difficult. "Like wading through hip-deep snow," Catherine Asaro told me, way back before I published my first book. I could've tried to change this about myself - or at least about what I write.
I've repeatedly chosen not to. And I am proud of that.
While I'd love to have lines out the door like Seanan McGuire, I also don't want to write what she writes. I love to read her October Daye series. I don't want to write that.
So, what am I most proud of in my writing? I'm proud that I am writing the stories that I really want to tell. I've been called stubborn, but I think my tenacity has paid off and I've found an audience - one that's growing all the time. It's not easy to stand up to the pressure to fit in with the more mainstream, more successful stuff. I feel it in myself all the time. Every time someone says "Romance" with that eye-roll and sneer, I feel it. Every time someone wants to read my books and someone else warns them off because it's too sexy, I feel that pressure to change.
That's part of creating art, whatever kind beckons to us. Creating means bringing something into the world that wasn't there before - so sometimes people don't recognize right away. Or only some do.
And that's okay, too.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Being Proud of Being Different
being different,
Catherine Asaro,
fantasy romance,
Jeffe Kennedy,
Jeffe Kennedy is a multi-award-winning and best-selling author of romantic fantasy. She is the current President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and is a member of Novelists, Inc. (NINC). She is best known for her RITA® Award-winning novel, The Pages of the Mind, the recent trilogy, The Forgotten Empires, and the wildly popular, Dark Wizard. Jeffe lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is represented by Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
When Your Deadline Involves Chasing a Planet
DepositPhoto |
When you’ve spent millions of dollars building a robot rover
to explore Mars and the planets will only be in the right alignment to launch
during one small window of time every two years, now THAT is a deadline not to
be missed.
If you saw the movie 'The Martian,' you'll recall all the conversation and tension around the launch windows and when supplies could be sent and when a rescue mission could be sent...
I supported the business aspects of various real life Mars missions
and other projects at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory during my career there
and trust me, the project planning at JPL is intricate and leaves nothing to
chance, even building in slack time to handle those unforeseen glitches and
gremlins that always arise when trying to do complicated one time trips to
other planets. There were literally thousands, if not millions of interim ‘due
dates’ in the project plan prior to the actual preferred launch date.
Including dates for all the reviews and other meetings needed to keep an eye on the schedule.
DepositPhoto |
Do I apply all that rigor to my own career as a self-published
author? Not really. I still break big jobs into smaller deliverables and keep an eye on my critical path…yeah, and
I also still speak the project language, as you can see. I track my deadlines
on my Outlook calendar and on a handwritten weekly To Do List that is
constantly changing, evolving, scribbled upon and reviewed. (I need that
tactile feedback of crossing things off and eventually crumpling up the paper
and throwing it away to start a fresh list.) I HATE missing a deadline or
causing others to do hurry up work to accommodate my not building in enough
slack time.
Bu this applies to the posts I write for USA Today/HEA,
AMAZING STORIES and other platforms, including this lovely, well built,
friendly gathering spot.
When it comes to my own novels, I have a really rough
editorial calendar sketched out, about a year ahead, to make myself see one
cannot perform three actions simultaneously, there are not more than twenty
four hours in a day and yes, I need to sleep. So that means I CANNOT expect to
get the next novel in my bestselling Badari Warriors series released while also
completing another ancient Egyptian paranormal romance, much less also writing
the long awaited sequel to my one fantasy romance. Not in the same 30-40 days.
And my editor has an iron clad thirty days to go over each of my manuscripts
and she can’t edit three of them simultaneously either.
I have a bad habit of ‘magical thinking,’ which Wikipedia
defines thusly: the belief that one's
thoughts by themselves can bring about effects in the world or that thinking
something corresponds with doing it. So I like to believe I can do three things
at once!
At least as a self-published author, I’ll never miss any
contractually required deadlines. I just have to ensure the flow of words and
books keeps going on a regular enough basis to meet that other hard and fast
deadline – paying the rent!
Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author and “SciFi Encounters” columnist for the USA Today Happily Ever After blog, Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything.
Friday, August 17, 2018
The Deadline We All Face
There's precious little I can say about deadlines that hasn't been said already, and I'm going to hush up in observance of the Queen of Soul's passing.
I will note that there's one deadline we all face and it's non-negotiable. So if there's something that matters to you, you'd better get on it because the world needs whatever it is you have to offer.
I leave you with an article (with a link to the performance audio) about Aretha Franklin singing opera - something I somehow missed. Had actual operas been sung a little more freely, I think I'd have been a much bigger fan. Modern operatic style leaves me cold. This performance didn't. It gave me goose bumps.
I will note that there's one deadline we all face and it's non-negotiable. So if there's something that matters to you, you'd better get on it because the world needs whatever it is you have to offer.
I leave you with an article (with a link to the performance audio) about Aretha Franklin singing opera - something I somehow missed. Had actual operas been sung a little more freely, I think I'd have been a much bigger fan. Modern operatic style leaves me cold. This performance didn't. It gave me goose bumps.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Deadlines Looming
Let me tell you something about deadlines.
Or more specifically, let me tell how I don't get what I see other writers do with deadlines. Like, I will see people be all, "Oh, yeah, I have a novel due next month. I better get to work on it." As in, little-to-no work has been done, and now that the deadline approaches, they're planning on weaponizing their panic and going into FULL POWER MODE, knocking out thousands of words each day and having a finished novel in a couple weeks.
I honestly don't understand how to do this. Like, my brain recoils at the idea.
For me, deadlines are always a long-range thing. I look at when something is due, and look where I am right now, and ask myself, "What do I need to do to be two months before the deadline?" and start working on that goal. Because I know things will get in the way, I know there will be setbacks, and it's best to charge in with a plan before even getting to that point.
I mean, people ask me what the "secret" is to my output, and a big part of that is in the planning. I know what the core of the next year and a half looks like, writing-wise, and I plan for that. I don't think I could do it otherwise.
And that takes discipline, and even then, the schedule slips and things get behind.
SPEAKING OF, I'm working hard on finishing The Shield of the People before its deadline, and The Way of the Shield is coming out in just a few weeks, so I might be pretty scarce here in the coming days.
Or more specifically, let me tell how I don't get what I see other writers do with deadlines. Like, I will see people be all, "Oh, yeah, I have a novel due next month. I better get to work on it." As in, little-to-no work has been done, and now that the deadline approaches, they're planning on weaponizing their panic and going into FULL POWER MODE, knocking out thousands of words each day and having a finished novel in a couple weeks.
I honestly don't understand how to do this. Like, my brain recoils at the idea.
For me, deadlines are always a long-range thing. I look at when something is due, and look where I am right now, and ask myself, "What do I need to do to be two months before the deadline?" and start working on that goal. Because I know things will get in the way, I know there will be setbacks, and it's best to charge in with a plan before even getting to that point.
I mean, people ask me what the "secret" is to my output, and a big part of that is in the planning. I know what the core of the next year and a half looks like, writing-wise, and I plan for that. I don't think I could do it otherwise.
And that takes discipline, and even then, the schedule slips and things get behind.
SPEAKING OF, I'm working hard on finishing The Shield of the People before its deadline, and The Way of the Shield is coming out in just a few weeks, so I might be pretty scarce here in the coming days.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Deadlines: A Haiku
People say a lot of things about deadlines: they're stressful, arbitrary, debilitating, intrusive, confusing, too much. I get it. However, I'm not one of those people. Here are my thoughts on deadlines, in haiku form because odes are too complicated for a summer day when the kids are still not back to school:
I adore deadlines
(not kidding) because they mean
someone wants to read.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Managing Deadlines: 5 Steps to Successful Project Management
I have
5 Steps to Successful Project Management
- Prioritize
- You are the only one who knows your workload. Don't expect others to intuit all that you've got going on. Your path to sanity is via prioritizing tasks and projects. Even the repetitious ones, like taking the kids to/from school. Anything that demands your time gets prioritized. Note the things that are flexible and those that aren't. You can reschedule a conference call. You can't reschedule the start of a public school day.
- Set Realistic Expectations...then add two weeks.
- So you attracted the interest of a Big Publisher. Congrats! They want to sign you for three books. Awesome! They want those books delivered in six-month intervals. Uh...You only have the first one written and that took you three years to get into a query-ready state. Talk to your agent, be frank with them. It's better to decline an offer than to be in breach.
- Always add two weeks to big projects. That's wiggle room in case the flu strikes, equipment fails, or your brain goes on strike.
- Confirm Dates and Times
- Seems logical, but it's amazing how many problems crop up because of ambiguous phrases like "30 days." Is that 30 business days or calendar days? "The end of the month." What if the end of the month falls on a Sunday? Is the deliverable due on the Friday before or the Monday after? Even "COB " is suspect what with time zone differences, flexible hours, and people who never.stop.working.
- Communicate as Soon as a Bump Appears
- This is the one that a lot of people resist because they're afraid of the perceptions and the consequences. They think they can "power through" and "slide under the deadline." Worse, some folks stay quiet and hope an elf will magically fix everything for them. Peeps, don't do that to yourselves or your team. The ulcer isn't worth it. Tell your contact/team as soon as you know there's an issue because date slippage has a ripple effect. The sooner the team knows, the faster they can compensate. Missing your date might not be that big a deal...or it means they get someone else to do your piece of the project. Regardless, fess up fast. Don't work yourself into an oozing pustule of anxiety.
- See Jeffe's post from Sunday about Big Trouble vs Daily Shit
- Reassess & Reset
- Whenever you complete a project, take a beat and assess the resources and time it took you to finish. Did your accurately estimate what was needed? Do you have similar projects in your schedule? Based on what you learned from the completed project, are there any adjustments you need to make to the future projects? Are there any people who need to be informed about the needed adjustments?
Adulting. Sometimes the hardest part is being honest with yourself. Once you are, it's a lot easier to be upfront with others...even about moving deadlines.
Managing Expectations,
project management
Fantasy Author.
The Immortal Spy Series & LARCOUT now available in eBook and Paperback.
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The Immortal Spy Series & LARCOUT now available in eBook and Paperback.
Subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when I release a new book.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines....
There was a time when I never, ever missed a deadline.
I think it lasted roughly a month.
I try very, very hard to make sure I hit deadlines, but sometimes it simply isn't going to happen.
When I started out I would say "yes" to very nearly impossible deadlines regularly. Why? Because I wanted the work and I was willing to make the sacrifices. Who needs sleep when you have coffee?
Now and then that philosophy backfired and life got in the way. The day job required more time (Retail does that), or the family needed some help. Then you have to start weighing what is more important.
Know what else you have to do? You have to communicate. There is usually at least a little flex time in what you are told as a deadline. Maybe not much, but some.
Look on the right side of the screen and you'll see a cover for my Predator novel. When I was writing that everything that could go wrong did. First, there were changes in the script, They made the movie better in my opinion, but they were there and that meant reevaluating all of the source material before I could start writing my novel. Heck, I had to rewrite my outline before we could proceed. That was a decent slow down, but not crippling.
No. What was crippling was falling the wrong way in ice and tearing two tendons in my shoulder and destroying my rotator cuff. I thought it was a sprain and tried to just power on through, but the pain was actually debilitating, I could not work for several weeks at the day job but I also could no write very much. My beloved was wise enough to point out that Google Docs has a voice option. I employed it and things got better. But the voice option isn't flawless and a good deal of clean up was required.
I was a little over a month late.
I did the unthinkable and told my editor the truth. We worked together to make it right.
There are those situations where a book will be, by God, late. My mother going into hospice? No writing done while she left this world. My wife passing away? No work done while I tried to remember how to breathe, how to walk, how to go through the regular day without losing my mind. How bad was it I only recently pulled out and finished the novel I was writing when she passed away. It took me 8 years to get back to even looking at that book. It took me a month to finish. but it was the book I worked on while my wife was on dialysis and dying by inches. I set it aside, I came back to it when I could.
Deadlines are flexible. If they weren't there would be no publishing industry.
I had a few deadlines after my wife passed what were delayed because I got lost in grief. I don't torture myself over those. I merely accept them and try to move on. I made it a point to explain to my editors. They were usually understanding. Sometimes I know it was inconvenient for them, but we worked it out.
I'm a writer. I used my words.
I think it lasted roughly a month.
I try very, very hard to make sure I hit deadlines, but sometimes it simply isn't going to happen.
When I started out I would say "yes" to very nearly impossible deadlines regularly. Why? Because I wanted the work and I was willing to make the sacrifices. Who needs sleep when you have coffee?
Now and then that philosophy backfired and life got in the way. The day job required more time (Retail does that), or the family needed some help. Then you have to start weighing what is more important.
Know what else you have to do? You have to communicate. There is usually at least a little flex time in what you are told as a deadline. Maybe not much, but some.
Look on the right side of the screen and you'll see a cover for my Predator novel. When I was writing that everything that could go wrong did. First, there were changes in the script, They made the movie better in my opinion, but they were there and that meant reevaluating all of the source material before I could start writing my novel. Heck, I had to rewrite my outline before we could proceed. That was a decent slow down, but not crippling.
No. What was crippling was falling the wrong way in ice and tearing two tendons in my shoulder and destroying my rotator cuff. I thought it was a sprain and tried to just power on through, but the pain was actually debilitating, I could not work for several weeks at the day job but I also could no write very much. My beloved was wise enough to point out that Google Docs has a voice option. I employed it and things got better. But the voice option isn't flawless and a good deal of clean up was required.
I was a little over a month late.
I did the unthinkable and told my editor the truth. We worked together to make it right.
There are those situations where a book will be, by God, late. My mother going into hospice? No writing done while she left this world. My wife passing away? No work done while I tried to remember how to breathe, how to walk, how to go through the regular day without losing my mind. How bad was it I only recently pulled out and finished the novel I was writing when she passed away. It took me 8 years to get back to even looking at that book. It took me a month to finish. but it was the book I worked on while my wife was on dialysis and dying by inches. I set it aside, I came back to it when I could.
Deadlines are flexible. If they weren't there would be no publishing industry.
I had a few deadlines after my wife passed what were delayed because I got lost in grief. I don't torture myself over those. I merely accept them and try to move on. I made it a point to explain to my editors. They were usually understanding. Sometimes I know it was inconvenient for them, but we worked it out.
I'm a writer. I used my words.
I write fiction, a little of everything and a lot of horror. I've written novels, comic books, roleplaying game supplements, short stories, novellas and oodles of essays on whatever strikes my fancy. That might change depending on my mood and the publishing industry. Things are getting stranger and stranger in the wonderful world of publishing and that means I get to have fun sorting through the chaos (with all the other writer-types). I have a website. This isn't it. This is where you can likely expect me to talk about upcoming projects and occasionally expect a rant or two. Not too many rants. Those take a lot of energy. In addition to writing I work as a barista, because I still haven't decided to quit my day job. Opinions are always welcome.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Big Trouble and Daily Sh*t: Knowing the Difference
Kitty bookends for breakfast!
Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is Deadline mania. How to keep the deadlines in times of trouble.
It's kind of amusing because I started this blog post around 10am this morning, then spent over four hours with Microsoft Office 365 help trying to find out why I'm suddenly getting prompts to log in, when until yesterday I've been able to work in the Office 365 programs without being constantly logged in. Even though I asked right off if something changed, it took four hours for them to tell me that new "security" was implemented yesterday to "protect my files." I don't use One Drive because frankly I don't trust Microsoft with my documents. Now I trust them even less. And I'm cancelling my subscription to 365.
I'm probably going to Office 2016 or 2019 (if it's available soon), but all suggestions for an alternative are welcome!
(Though don't tell me Scrivener. It gives me hives.)
So, while I don't have an actual hard and fast deadline for this blog post - and a Sunday of housework is an arguably decent time to deal with extended shite like that - I'm feeling super behind.
So here's the thing. There's two kinds of trouble. Okay, maybe there's a spectrum of trouble, but it all falls under one of two major categories: Big Trouble and Daily Shit.
Big Trouble is anything where people could die, or become very ill, or something equally as bad in your world.
Everything else is Daily Shit.
And like all things, the trick is knowing the difference.
I've you've got Big Trouble, then deadlines don't matter. A famous author with a long and productive career said that she has a profoundly autistic adult child. Compared to dealing with those issues, things like losing an editor pale in comparison. Deadlines can move, if you have Big Trouble. The most important aspect there is not to let Daily Shit derail your deadlines. Then you build up a karma bank so if you have to move a deadline because of Big Trouble, everyone knows that it must be important, because you wouldn't let them down because of Daily Shit.
Me dealing with the dorkwads at Microsoft Office 365? Daily Shit. I'd never do that on a writing day because my word count takes precedence over Daily Shit.
If you're committed to being a writer, then word count and meeting deadlines should ALWAYS take precedence over dealing with Daily Shit. If it doesn't, then you're elevating Daily Shit to Big Trouble, which means that a whole lot of Daily Shit will want to be that important, and pretty soon you have a whole lot of Big Trouble and no time to write.
I can't really tell you what should qualify as Big Trouble in your life, but I can promise that you need to know. Find that line, and draw it big, bright and bold. And stick to it.
Keep that Daily Shit where it belongs - out of the way of the important stuff.
Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is Deadline mania. How to keep the deadlines in times of trouble.
It's kind of amusing because I started this blog post around 10am this morning, then spent over four hours with Microsoft Office 365 help trying to find out why I'm suddenly getting prompts to log in, when until yesterday I've been able to work in the Office 365 programs without being constantly logged in. Even though I asked right off if something changed, it took four hours for them to tell me that new "security" was implemented yesterday to "protect my files." I don't use One Drive because frankly I don't trust Microsoft with my documents. Now I trust them even less. And I'm cancelling my subscription to 365.
I'm probably going to Office 2016 or 2019 (if it's available soon), but all suggestions for an alternative are welcome!
(Though don't tell me Scrivener. It gives me hives.)
So, while I don't have an actual hard and fast deadline for this blog post - and a Sunday of housework is an arguably decent time to deal with extended shite like that - I'm feeling super behind.
So here's the thing. There's two kinds of trouble. Okay, maybe there's a spectrum of trouble, but it all falls under one of two major categories: Big Trouble and Daily Shit.
Big Trouble is anything where people could die, or become very ill, or something equally as bad in your world.
Everything else is Daily Shit.
And like all things, the trick is knowing the difference.
I've you've got Big Trouble, then deadlines don't matter. A famous author with a long and productive career said that she has a profoundly autistic adult child. Compared to dealing with those issues, things like losing an editor pale in comparison. Deadlines can move, if you have Big Trouble. The most important aspect there is not to let Daily Shit derail your deadlines. Then you build up a karma bank so if you have to move a deadline because of Big Trouble, everyone knows that it must be important, because you wouldn't let them down because of Daily Shit.
Me dealing with the dorkwads at Microsoft Office 365? Daily Shit. I'd never do that on a writing day because my word count takes precedence over Daily Shit.
If you're committed to being a writer, then word count and meeting deadlines should ALWAYS take precedence over dealing with Daily Shit. If it doesn't, then you're elevating Daily Shit to Big Trouble, which means that a whole lot of Daily Shit will want to be that important, and pretty soon you have a whole lot of Big Trouble and no time to write.
I can't really tell you what should qualify as Big Trouble in your life, but I can promise that you need to know. Find that line, and draw it big, bright and bold. And stick to it.
Keep that Daily Shit where it belongs - out of the way of the important stuff.
Big Trouble,
Daily Shit,
Jeffe Kennedy,
Jeffe Kennedy is a multi-award-winning and best-selling author of romantic fantasy. She is the current President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and is a member of Novelists, Inc. (NINC). She is best known for her RITA® Award-winning novel, The Pages of the Mind, the recent trilogy, The Forgotten Empires, and the wildly popular, Dark Wizard. Jeffe lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is represented by Sarah Younger of Nancy Yost Literary Agency.
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