Monday, April 4, 2022

In a Perfect World

 The notion this week is what's the one thing you do or should do to reach more readers.

I'd like to have an advertising budget. I mean a real one. Not even a big one, just, you know, enough to get seen in magazines occasionally, or even enough to ensure that my smalaler titles get Advanced Readers Copies out there. 

I've done it a few times, especially when I was just beginning. I had one publisher lament that he could not afford to do ARCS of my book because the budget wasn't there. After some small consideration of my finances (At the time I had a full-time job that paid decently well and was getting regular and rather lucrative work-for-hire gigs) I decided to take 1/2 my advance and get ARCs made for the book.

The reviews were excellent and the sales were solid enough to lead to SERENITY FALLS being picked up by one of the big five, as a trilogy. I made my money back several times over. 

I'd like to be able t budget for more of that. Meanwhile, my landlord is selling my rental house, I have to move in less than a month and I need to scrape up the first month's rent, last month's rent, security deposit and the cost for movers in the next 25 days. So, yeah, there goes that pipe dream. 

There are always things I'd LIKE to do. and then there's reality.

 Mostly I make mention of upcoming releases on Facebook

and Twitter.