Wednesday, March 22, 2023

My Favorite Phantom

 I'll be at the Willamette Writers Conference In August! I'll be teaching a workshop and giving manuscript critiques. I'm not sure yet if I'll be in person or online, but I'm hoping for the former!

This week at the SFF Seven, we're discussing which fictional villain we'd totally write a redemption arc for if copyright and trademarks weren't a thing.

You know, I did this once before - although I was in the clear legally, as the original work had just moved into common domain. My villain? The phantom from The Phantom of the Opera. I don't know know that I redeemed him, but - SPOILER - I did ensure that the heroine picked the correct guy! 

My version is called MASTER OF THE OPERA, and is a contemporary, erotic retelling of the old phantom tale as written by Gaston Leroux. I set it at the Santa Fe Opera house, so it has more of a Southwestern mystical vibe than the Parisian opera house of the original stories. I won't post the cover(s) here. There are a number of them, as the book was originally published as a serialized ebook, and so had six different covers. Then it was published in print as a single edition with a different cover. Salient and recent good news: I received word that my publisher plans to put a new cover on the book and repackage it! So, stay tuned for that re-release. I'm super excited to see this new cover and a new bounce for this book and my sexy villain.