Wednesday, March 15, 2023

ROGUE FAMILIAR Delayed (Again) - But Not as Much as You Think!

 Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what's going on there with the creative professions. I have Opinions, which boil down to my conviction that nothing can replace human creativity. But a lot of very smart people have written on the topic and SFWA has been collating those. Go read those excellent articles. 

For my part, I'm trying to get ROGUE FAMILIAR written. I've passed 60K words and I'm closing in on the Act II Climax. I'm getting there! But I'm not there yet. No way can I make a March release date. So I've pushed the release back. Amazon will tell you the new release date is April 24, but that's a handy lie. That's just the farthest date I could push to, just in case. I'm guessing it will be more like April 7 or 10. I can always release early! I know you all are patient and supportive, so I don't need to apologize. (But I feel I do.) Anyway, I'm working away on this! 

No AI involved.