Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Fierce Hearts and Adamant Spirits: Charity Anthologies for Ukraine

Hey all! I wanted to use this week's space to share about a project that Jeffe Kennedy and I are involved in. The Romantic Fantasy Shelf put together two amazing anthologies recently that released on March 31st. All proceeds go to the International Rescue Committee which is donating all raised funds to Ukrainian refugees. Receipts will be posted publicly by the Romantic Fantasy Shelf.

Jeffe and I have work in Fierce Hearts, an anthology filled with romantic fantasy and fantasy romance short stories, novelettes, novellas, novels, and chapter samplers for anticipated novels. Adamant Spirits is of the paranormal/sci-fi/urban fantasy romance variety. Over 40+ authors contributed to each book, totaling over 1.1 million donated words. 

We would love your support! It's for such a good cause. As of 4/5/22, 3266+ copies had been sold, for a total of $11,879 raised. That's amazing, and I cannot wait to see how much we raise over the next few months. 

If you'd like to check out these anthologies, I've included the universal links to Fierce Hearts and Adamant Spirits. Paperbacks will be available soon!

Thank you!

~ Charissa

Sunday, February 27, 2022

I'm Supposed to Talk About Newsletters...

Hey all. This week's topic focuses on chatting about our newsletters and promoting our work, but I'll be honest--I'm not much into promotion right now. It's been a tough week. Tough to remain creative when I'm so worried about the world. I have friends from Ukraine, and my book cover designers are based in Ukraine. The owner and her family, last I heard, are still there. It's been hard to watch the news but impossible to ignore it. 

All that said, instead of asking you to sign up for my newsletter or buy my book, I would like to encourage anyone who can to donate to Ukrainian efforts instead. If you can't afford to do that, maybe lift up a prayer to whatever god/gods you pray to. Innocent people are in harm's way and facing devastating loss, and they could use any support we can offer. Even seeing our posts online gives them hope and courage.

I'm linking here to a couple of posts that give options for places to donate:

Washington Post Listing

Time Magazine Article

Also know that my publisher, City Owl Press, will be making an announcement tomorrow (2/28) that they will donate all of the company's portion of royalties from any sales made on the City Owl Website in the month of March to Ukraine.

Remember to be careful where you donate funds, but the options listed above are safe.

Thank you,