Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

Friday, January 28, 2022

What the Future May Bring

 I usually have massive superstition around speaking my plans out into the open air. It seems like whenever I do, the universe laughs in maniacal glee and I land on my ass at the end of the year wondering what happened. But I'll tell you. After the past two years, who the hell hasn't? So here we go. 

Plans for 2022:

FINISH THE DAMNED BOOK. Yes. This would be book 4 of the SFR series. Shortly after I hand that book off to my editor (if she hasn't died of boredom or old age whilst waiting for it), I want to fast draft the final book in the series. Fast draft. FAST. I'm yelling at my brain. Not you. The goal is to have both books done in at least first draft form by the end of the year. Then, you see, I could move on to other projects that are knocking around in my brain. 

There are some assassins who want their stories finished. There's a story that isn't science fiction, fantasy, or paranormal. I'm not sure where it came from or who I am that the story even crept up on me. But I'll give it a shot. It feels important for some reason. There are myriad other stories that want to see light of day.

I have low daily word count goals at the moment. I'm doing the distance runner thing - logging a bunch of slow miles in order to get faster over time. (This will take you to a Tik Tok video about this very subject.) This is all a part of having to learn how to be alone while being constantly in other people's company. While pandemic and lock downs have been fine for many introverts, those of us living in houses full of people are not all right. Finding alone is harder than it sounds like it ought to be. And yes. It matters because I'm one of those people whose thoughts show on their face -- and there are just some scenes in books that get dark and terrible. Everyone in the household is happier if no one sees those thoughts as I think them. It turns out my family doesn't like it when I frighten them. 

Now. If you'll pardon me, I'm going to go make some word count on a book that needs finishing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Year Ahead with Jeffe

This week at the SFF Seven we're taking a look at the future! We're asking: "What does your writing life look like for the upcoming year?" That includes book releases, WIP’s, retreats, cons, signings, etc. 

I just had my annual planning call with my agent, Sarah Younger at NYLA, yesterday and my year ahead is looking pretty damn busy!

Book Releases

First release of 2022 is the audiobook of DARK WIZARD, Book #1 in Bonds of Magic. This is Baby's First Self-Published Audiobook (TM) and I couldn't be more delighted about it! Book #2, BRIGHT FAMILIAR, and Book #3, GREY MAGIC, will also be releasing in audiobook this year, probably in March for both. Whee! 

Next up is GREY MAGIC, the current WIP, slated to be out February 28. After that, the long awaited finale, THE STORM PRINCESS AND THE RAVEN KING, Book #4 in Heirs of Magic, will be out in April (I hope!)

Those are my only slated releases at this point, but there's lots more coming!


Does it count as a WIP if it's out on submission? I have one of those out.

I'm going to finish a science fantasy I started two years ago. Super excited to get that out!

I may be doing a ghostwriting project :D

I'd like to begin a new trilogy in the Bonds of Magic world.

I have a new shiny idea that I'd love to write, that Sarah is excited about too!

If this sounds like more than one person can humanly write, it probably is. Ever in motion is the future!


I don't do retreats because I do my best writing at home.


Also the Jack Williamson Lectureship in April, Apollycon in July, maybe ChiCon in September and possibly World Fantasy Con in November. 

Signings, etc.

Dependent on in-person events - cross our fingers!!