Wednesday, May 3, 2017

New Book Hype

Two things are heavy on my mind. Okay, honestly, there are a thousand things on my mind, like getting the mulch for the flower beds and when we're having all those ash trees brought down, why did the dog throw up yesterday, will the Actor want to take those summer classes and will the Arteest actually go to college this fall... but writing-wise there are TWO THINGS on my mind.

FIRST is my novel JOVIENNE. It's being released in a matter of days. I'm working on plans for the release party, the book trailer, signings, and giveaways. I'm also prepping on-line promotional material not limited to writing blogs. (If you'd like to have me on your blog, hit me up via messenger or send me a message through the contact submission form on my website )

SECOND, is my CD also titled 
JOVIENNE, being released at the same time.  Containing seven songs that I wrote during and after the writing process in order to set a mood in my mind, the CD offers themes for characters like any good movie score. This is basically a concerto, with a few solo instruments while accompanied by an orchesta. That said, my rock-n-roll heart does shine through in spots.

*Yes, the CD uses my married name, Reinhardt. I figure I can keep my two creative pursuits separate that way, as I plan to score more books in the future, as well as have music available that is not tied to a novel.

I'll post the trailer and buy links soon. 

Also, I'll be attending MARCON in Columbus, Ohio May 12-14th. MARCON stands for Multiple Alternate Realities CONvention and is a good-sized genre / fandom / cosplay con in the middle of my lovely and daily multi-seasonal state. Hope to see you there!!!