Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dream Team for Scoring The Hanged Spy: The Musical

If one of my books were to be made into a musical, The Hanged Spy would probably be best suited to the stage for the sake of sets and how the magic can be shown with creative lighting. It'd also lend itself wonderfully to audience inclusion in both staging and effects.

Who would I have score the show and wrangle the lyrics? Lzzy Hale (of Halestorm) and Maria Brink (of In This Moment) would be amazeballs. Not only do they both write songs that shove you into potent pockets of emotion, but their music also takes listeners along a journey of highs and lows necessary for storytelling. Maria's live shows are rich with theatrics, so she gets how songs and staging need to work together. Lzzy is the queen of collaborators across genres, so penning music that enhances the uniqueness of the diverse factions is totally in her wheelhouse.

I would love, love, love to hear what these metal powerhouses would compose for Bix's personal anthem and for the soul-crushing duet with Bix and Tobek. Oh, and they can do sinister so well that the antagonist might end up with the show-stealer. Then there'd be the insouciant ditty for Drew the draugr. Earworm stamped all over it.

~shuffles playlist and gets back to writing~