Friday, January 11, 2019

Book Marketing Rage

I am sitting at my kitchen counter watching a trio of not-so-little-anymore black kittens lose their minds because the landscape crew are here trimming bushes right up against the house. The kittens are dashing from window to window to alternately watch and freak out when the hedge trimmer revs.

This is book marketing in one tidy metaphor.

Authors race from thing to thing, claws scrabbling for traction on the hardwood in their desperation to abandon FB ads for Amazon ads. Or BookBub. Or whatever else is au courant. Sixty seconds later, the scramble is on again.

It's interesting to watch. Certainly someone is making book marketing work for them or the rest of us wouldn't be chasing around trying to replicate their results. And with that sentence, you can surmise that I have no idea how to play Moneyball with book promotions. What you may not know is how much it annoys me. The whole point of the movie, Moneyball, was using hard data to drive decisions. Not instinct. Not heart. Not gut. Numbers. That's possible in baseball. It is almost entirely impossible with books. Especially if you're traditionally published. It is not possible to trace a customer from ad click thru to a purchase. I should imagine customers would be annoyed if we could track them like that. I would be. But it does make the entire book marketing thing a bit of a black box. Somewhere inside of it, weird magic happens, and we don't get to observe it happening.

Yes. You can run A/B ad tests. But unless you are direct selling through your own website only, you cannot possibly track sales. You can only track impressions and click thrus. You can infer from your click thru rates which ad drove the most buys should you see an uptick in sales, but you cannot prove which ad actually drove the spike.

You may now picture my little SQL database-driven heart trembling in rage.

My take away is that if you want to play Moneyball, you need to change to a career with actual, trackable metrics, cause this ain't it. We're all of us dancing on the edge of the volcano with book marketing - basically pleading with the gods and offering to sacrifice pretty much anything for just one shot at selling enough books to make the mortgage next month.

I comfort myself with the adage that your best marketing for your last book is your next book.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trying to play Moneyball with Book Promotion

The publishing business is pretty strange. There's plenty of money being made, tons of books being sold, and if you scratch the surface, you'll see that no one really understands what works and what doesn't.

For real, if you go to a bunch of writers-- successful ones!-- and ask, "How does one sell more books?" you tend to get a bunch of shrugs. You will get that occasional person who talks like a marketing guru, but more often than not, their advice is not particularly useful.

This is, in part, because the ground is always shifting, tragedy-of-the-commons style. If someone comes up with a Great New Way to promote books, soon TONS OF PEOPLE are all doing that same Great New Way, and it's just so much screaming into the hurricane.

There's also the factor that book promotion just feels like ugly business. None of us know what's right, but we do know when someone's doing it wrong, and it stands out. Badly. For example: book trailers. There was a period when everyone was trying them, and most of them were terrible. Mostly because they were made by people who didn't know the language of film or the language of commercials. Too long and used that time badly.

Is there some Great New Secret, some perfect formula to get readers interested, to get books in their hands? I don't think there is, but maybe-- as how the Moneyball idea changed baseball-- there's something out there that requires a line of thinking from a different industry completely. Maybe there is, and I don't have the mindset to see it.

I've got a friend who talks about books having "stickiness", that when someone reads it, they "stay" in the book. They want to live in there, think about it all the time, tell others about it. And, he thinks, if you get enough people to "stick" into a book, they create that natural marketing machine for you.
And maybe he's right? It's an interesting idea, but right now I don't know how one might implement it. So, for now, like everyone else in this business, we're throwing things against the wall and seeing what sticks.

(Which, for the record, is a stupid way to check if your pasta is done. Just eat it, that'll tell you. No need to throw it against the wall.)
(And maybe that's a metaphor for this whole endeavor.)

All right, back to work. Do good things, people.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

New Release: WARRIOR OF THE WORLD #Fantasy by @JeffeKennedy

2019 is a-hoppin' with new books from SFF Seven Authors! Jeffe follows James's bangin' New Year release with Book 3 in her Chronicles of Dasnaria #HighFantasy series.

Chronicles of Dasnaria, Book 3

Just beyond the reach of the Twelve Kingdoms, avarice, violence, strategy, and revenge clash around a survivor who could upset the balance of power all across the map . . .

Once Ivariel thought elephants were fairy tales to amuse children. But her ice-encased childhood in Dasnaria’s imperial seraglio was lacking in freedom and justice.. With a new name and an assumed identity as a warrior priestess of Danu, the woman once called Princess Jenna is now a fraud and a fugitive. But as she learns the ways of the beasts and hones new uses for her dancer’s strength, she moves one day further from the memory of her brutal husband. Safe in hot, healing Nyambura, Ivariel holds a good man at arm’s length and trains for the day she’ll be hunted again.

She knows it’s coming. She’s not truly safe, not when her mind clouds with killing rage at unpredictable moments. Not when patient Ochieng’s dreams of a family frighten her to her bones. But it still comes as a shock to Ivariel when long-peaceful Nyambura comes under attack. Until her new people look to their warrior priestess and her elephants to lead them . . .

BUY IT NOW:  AmazonB&N | IndieBound

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Book Marketing - What's the Trick?

Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is: Trying to Moneyball Book Marketing: Is there One Simple Trick we’re all missing?

"Moneyball" refers to the movie with Brad Pitt and Robin Wright - and an early career Jonah Hill. It's an excellent movie, well worth watching, and one we happened to recently rewatch. (Although I'm not the one who suggested this topic.)

In the movie, "moneyball" is actually employed in a snide sense, because Brad Pitt wants to implement a new system for choosing baseball players. Apparently based on real events, as general manager of the team, Pitt hires Jonah Hill to run the statistical analyses on past performance of players to compose a winning team. The old guard, particularly the scouts and other team managers, fiercely resist this system because they believe in going with their gut about players. Also, the statistics tend to disregard the glamorous and high profile players, instead favoring the workhorses who turn in consistent but not necessarily spectacular results. Because Pitt is trying to maximize team composition on a lean budget, they accuse him of being interested in moneyball instead of baseball.

I mention all of this because I hear "moneyball" used in the sense suggested in this topic quite a bit, and I don't think that's what people necessarily mean. Really, we should be talking about if there's a way to moneyball book-writing. That would be a more direct analogy.

The real question of the week - is there a simple trick to book marketing that we're all missing? - gets a "I really don't think so" from me. I'm not a marketer, by profession or inclination, but there are plenty out there and I don't see any of them using any particular tricks beyond pouring a lot of money into broadcast advertising.

Could be the other folks here have other suggestions!

But I do think there are ways to moneyball book-writing. At the risk of sounding like the intransigent scouts in the movie, I don't much care for that approach. I know a lot of self-publishing authors scan the top 100 lists on Amazon, see what kinds of stories are selling  hot and write those. That's not something I want to do. Arguably I am being like the old guard of baseball, waxing on about the art and heart of the profession, but that's where my values fall out. I'm a writer first out of love. If I wanted to play the odds, I'd do something else.

There is a lesson to be taken from the moneyball concept that does harmonize with how I approach writing: the long game. Most of my books are slow and steady performers. I have not (yet?) had the glamorous bestseller that everyone talks about. But my books sell decently. They earn out the advances I'm given or the money I invest in producing them. Like Jonah Hill, I run the numbers on my sales and track which do well, which have increasing or decreasing sales. I know which are my steady performers, and I value them. With each new book, I gain readers for the backlist and see nice bumps in sales.

In fact, if there IS a marketing trick that I've heard passed around and that has worked for me, that's to write another book. It really does work.

Speaking of which, WARRIOR OF THE WORLD releases on Tuesday, January 8, 2019!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

As We Head Into 2019


Our topic this week isn’t actually “resolutions” (per our Google calendar), it’s whatever is on our mind. I guess for most of us in this time frame, it would be our plans for 2019, however, so here goes!

For 2019, my personal watch word is going to be ‘mindful’.

Yes, I do have a strategic plan and specific goals and I revised that in late December. (Learned to do strategic planning in my long career at NASA/JPL before becoming a fulltime author and the habit stuck with me.) I update my plan every December for the coming year, besides looking at it once a quarter to check on my progress.  I don’t do fabulous spreadsheets like Jeffe (because no one else can remotely approach her level of expertise!) and the longer I’ve been gone from the old day job, the more informal my strategic planning process has become.  Also much quicker to do!

The choice of one word as my theme, however, is to ask myself to focus on whether the activities I’m spending time on are really advancing what I’d said were my priorities for the year, and if not, to evaluate if I need to revise a goal to respond to a new development. OR to consider whether I’m simply indulging myself in too much time on social media and letting that soak up too much of my energy, for example! Yes, I connect with readers there but I also have a tendency to dive into rabbit holes of discussion on the current hot topic or research. I’ve also been a little too quick to say yes to too many things in the past few years as a fulltime author and ‘mindful’ reminds me to really think through the time commitment and opportunity cost (“if I do X, I won’t have time to do Y”). I’m getting better at not doing magical thinking that each day contains 48 hours of time to write and Do All The Things. Being mindful is a further enhancement. Look before I leap.

And of course very shortly after doing my plan and priorities I was unexpectedly invited to participate in a new scifi romance project. Plans are made to be changed, as they say! In this case, I pondered long and hard and decided the project didn’t fit with my established author brand in SFR, although it was lovely to be approached. I even tried out a few book concepts to see if my Muse took fire with going in a slightly new direction and….no. But it was a good reminder to be open to new possibilities and to stay flexible.

I’m sure there will be more changes ahead in the indie publishing world and I’ll have to adapt to those. I believe an author needs to stay nimble and adaptable. Being a successful author is a long game and takes time and fortitude to build a solid backlist and a readership.

I released seven books in 2018, all SFR, and hope to do the same this year but perhaps squeeze in one or two more titles. I’ve committed to my readers to write at least one of my ancient Egyptian paranormal romances this year, while continuing to add new adventures to my award winning, bestselling Badari Warrior  SFR series. We’re also doing the fourth Pets In Space anthology so I’ll be writing a new Sectors novella for that. (And the new project I mentioned above would have severely altered the overall plan, without knowing if my existing readers would follow me to the new shiny thing or if new readers found there would have enjoyed my backlog of other titles.)

I also have a fantasy world which I’m dying to write new stories for, but unfortunately I can only work on one book at a time, according to my Muse, and my writing speed works out to a book about every other month. A bit more if I avoid that social media black hole and buckle down on the writing!

Having chastised myself on overdoing social media, I do want to become more of an Instagram person in 2019. It’s not at the level of a goal, but more of a strong desire. I have an account but to date I’ve only done a few videos and shared pictures of Jake the Cat (always popular) and blingy earrings. 
Bookstagramming is so big now that I feel I need to try my hand at it.

One significant change for me is that USA Today shut down the Happy Ever After blog as of December 31st, where I wrote the SciFi Encounters column, focusing primarily on SFR. The loss of the HEA platform means more time for me to devote to writing novels. I always try to find the most positive spin, can you tell? But…not so fast, I’m exploring a couple of possibilities to keep my hand in on doing author interviews and special posts elsewhere. And of course I’m happy to be on the Amazing Stories Magazine blog and Love in Panels! (And here…)

A few trends I foresee for SFR in general in 2019 - the romance subgenre will continue to be popular with readers. I don’t see any loss of enthusiasm in the various places and groups where I interact with the community. I do see the traditional publishers moving away from romance (or calling it something else) now that indies are so dominant. I see some authors continuing to move back and forth between trad and indie. Some of us are firmly committed to being exclusively indie and it’s wonderful that there are so many opportunities now for getting books into the readers’ hands. Or on their e-readers. Or released as audiobooks, another huge and growing market.

Cyborgs will continue to be a popular trope for the SFR hero (and sometimes for the heroine as well. Starting to see a few female cyborgs.).

Dragons and dragon shifters are still popular but I think their momentum is slowing a bit. Some authors have been trying to switch to griffins but I haven’t seen that catch on in a major way.

There was something of a move to writing standard ‘Harlequin type’ plots for SFR novels in 2018 – the billionaire dragon shifter alien’s secret nanny’s baby kinds of things but again, I haven’t noticed a huge wave of best sellers along that line.

Colorful barbarians on various icy planets are still being written and enjoyed but that’s not a cutting edge trope any longer. Still fun, many good stories releasing every week for your reading enjoyment, just not the ‘new thing’.  Nothing wrong with that! Ruby Dixon published her first one in 2015, which really put energy into the concept. I wish I knew what was going to take its place as the HOT trope to write! Keep your eye on Ruby because she’s very good at identifying and writing the ‘next new thing’.

I’ve been seeing more prison planet tropes of late…

MMPREG (featuring male pregnancy) is a thriving SFR subgenre…

Reverse harem (RH) is still selling well for romance in general. I haven’t seen too many SFR RH novels as yet though – most seem to be in the fantasy or paranormal genres and are definitely a hit in the Kindle Unlimited market.

Diversity in the stories being told will continue to increase…as will the number of “own voices” authors…

Series continue to be the way to go, versus standalone novels. No cliffhangers, please. Or if you do write them, let us know up front in the book blurb. (My personal preference here - some authors swear their readers eat cliffhangers up and call for more. Myself as a reader=a hard NO and I'll probably never read you again. Shrug.)

Many authors who were early trail blazers in SFR and who had published traditionally are getting their rights back now to older novels and are updating and re-releasing those titles independently, which is exciting. I think many of the current readers have come to the genre in the last few years and may not have seen the older titles by popular authors (Susan Grant, Kim Knox et al) before. Of course a flood of those titles may temporarily depress the market a bit but romance readers are voracious consumers of books (yay!).

So, there you have it – what do you foresee coming in romance or scifi romance for 2019?

(Portions of this post appeared on the Amazing Stories Magazine blog on January 3, 2019.)

Friday, January 4, 2019


Primary goal for 2019: Convince this little lady that she wants to live. We're doing the massive IBD flare thing again and she's stopped eating. Again. Usually we right this ship before a trip to the ER. Not this time. And just as well. She's developing heart disease, so when she was released to come home, she came home with a referral to a cardiologist. So there's that to navigate.

Oh. You meant goals I had actual control over? Fine. Find and reclaim my writer mojo. That's it. That's the goal. Totally specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time sensitive. 

The last two years have been a clu--uh--challenge. I wrote, yes, but published nothing. Which isn't to say there haven't been projects finished. There have. They just weren't quite right. They've stewed enough that I know how to make them right. So getting those fixes in and the stuff published in one form or another is on the list for this year. As is finishing off the SFR series. It may not all get released this year, but if I can get the last draft in the can by end of year, I'll count the year a success. I won't claim to have made my process bullet proof, because in no way do I wish to challenge the universe to prove me wrong. So let's just say I have an adaptive system that has built in guides for getting back on track when life goes pear-shaped.

Armed with my trusty bullet journal, I record my word counts every day and I know precisely how many words I need in order to stay on track. There are built in fudge days because killer migraines and family emergencies happen and I'm one of the lucky ones who gets to care about family emergencies. I won't claim any kind of luck for the killer migraines. I'm still trying to get the insurance company to let me give Aimovig a try. 

Regardless. The year is mapped out. Each story gets a shot. If I keep my word count goals, I'll make a one million word mark with no issue. 

So raise your cup of tea. Here's to a New Year and to finishing what we start.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019: Planning for the future

Man, this is an auspicious start to the new year, hmm? Late for the first blog post.

In my defense, the Christmas "break" screwed up my sense of what day it was. Part of the challenge of working from home, and essentially working every day, is "day of the week" tends to be less meaningful.

But this year I feel a need to up my game, in terms of organization, planning, and even taking down time. I certainly feel I could be more productive, use my time more efficiently, and I'm going to need that in the years to come.

Some goals for this year:
-Of things you'll be seeing, I've got A PARLIAMENT OF BODIES coming out on March 26th, and SHIELD OF THE PEOPLE in October. Both were quite challenging books to write, and I'm pretty pleased with what they do and how they move the Maradaine saga forward.
-In things I'm doing, there's the final edits on SHIELD, which should be done and turned in this month.
-On the drafting front, I'll be finishing THE FENMERE JOB (about halfway through the rough draft now) and THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY, which will close out Phase I of the Maradaine Saga.
-Along the lines of "closing out Phase I", a big part of the next year is organizing my plans for things I'll be writing once I finish PEOPLE, as well as some smaller projects, some non-Maradaine things, and more or less continuing to lay out impossible goals for myself because that's how I roll.

So that's what I've got on my plate. We'll see how I do.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Vow to ignore the world more

The main thing I’m planning to do in 2019 is ignore the noise. Used to, in the dark ages before DVR and streaming, when we watched live TV, commercials (or adverts, if you’re across the pond) would blare into the interstices, wresting our attention and spoiling our groove. Nowadays we can avoid those ads, but the persistent low hum of mental friction may be worse: 24-hour news, push notifications on my phone, Twitter, Facebook, Insta all e-mailing me constantly to tell me I’ve missed something important. (To be fair, updates from that lady on Twitter who raises sled dogs and posts puppy pictures is SUPER IMPORTANT and don’t keep me from the sled puppy pics don’t you dare.)

I was exhausted and overwhelmed and didn’t even realize it.

Until August, when the cosmos reminded me of the melody in all the noise. August 15 my mom was in a car crash and broke her neck. She had to wear a halo device for four months and couldn’t do much for herself, which as you can imagine was frustrating and heartbreaking. I took care of her for a while, and then my mother-in-law moved closer and we both focused on helping Mom. Between that and all the usual family responsibilities, I didn’t have time to listen to the noise. I didn’t read social media. I didn’t listen to TV news. I didn’t read headlines. I just existed. I did the thing, went to sleep, woke up, and did the thing some more.

And you know what? Even with all that stress of health crises and family drama and pet angst (for the duration, I had five dogs living at my house, all with special diets and diva personalities), my life was, well, not stressless but ... content? Focused, definitely.

And man did I get shit done.

So that’s my chief resolution in 2019: to hear the signal, not the noise. To read, to write, to focus on the things that are important to my tiny circle and let the rest of the world be as crazy as it wants. I can’t fix the crazy. But maybe, if I do the things I’m meant to do, I can add to the melody and with enough of us trying, we can lift music out of the noise.

P.s. — Mom got her halo off about a week before Christmas and is doing really well. I am so, so grateful to still have her around.