Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Three Reasons I've Loved Doing FIRE OF THE FROST!


Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is our three favorite... anything!

Since I'm down to the last few days of coordinating the upcoming FIRE OF THE FROST midwinter holiday fantasy romance anthology, I'm thinking about my three favorite aspects of putting together this annual project.

The anthology releases next week on December 22, 2021 and you can still preorder it for the special sale price! The price goes up on release day. 


Working with My Friends

I always say one of the perks of being an author is getting to be friends with your favorite authors! While I love chatting with them online, putting together these group projects is the most fun. We get to collaborate in the best of ways. This year, working with Darynda Jones, Grace Draven, and Amanda Bouchet has been a real treat. 

Getting to Read the Stories

Did I mention these friends are all authors I love??? I just finished Amanda's delightful Of Fate and Fire, and am diving into Grace's The King of Hel. I can't wait to read Darynda's foray into fantasy, A Wynter Fyre.

Sharing the Cross-Promo

What makes this project so great, too, is that we share the promotion and cross-pollinate with our readers. It's super fun to see readers say "I discovered this author through your anthology!" It's a celebration of each other and something lovely to share with our readers. 

Only a week away!