Saturday, May 25, 2019

No Spiderweb Plots Here


Our topic this week: "Spinning the Spiderweb of Complicated Plots."

I’m assuming perhaps whoever posed the question was thinking of intricate and complex series like Game of Thrones? Or all the Tolkien novels?

I write fast paced action adventure tales, whether set in ancient Egypt or the far future. My hero and heroine get plunged into danger pretty shortly after the book starts, they work their way through it, fall in love along the way, Happy Ever After ending achieved…and we’re done.

No spiderwebs (although there are deadly alien spiders in my latest book, CAMRON).

Even with my series, the Badari Warriors, although I have an overarching series plot, I don’t think it rises to the level of a spiderweb.

I’m not a plot-in-advance-too-much author. I can’t even imagine juggling a huge cast of characters and multiple plot lines and etc etc over numerous books. I also don’t much read novels of that type. I write what I like to read for the most part.

I do read and enjoy what Jeffe referred to earlier in the week as novels with ‘braided plotlines”, driven by characters. I love her books and Nalini Singh’s and others who take that approach. I don’t have any desire to try writing such a series, at least not at this point.

So, there you have it for me, this week. (I’ve been bitten by black widow spiders – does that count?)

A snippet of Camron doing battle with the alien spiders while trying to save the heroine...