Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Trying to think about the good

Things that are on my mind:

- It's spring and the bluebonnets are out.

- This distance learning thing my kids are doing rocks. They were done with all school work before lunch time, and that was even with sleeping in till 8. Boom.

- Same with their music lessons, which they are doing right now via Zoom. I can hear them playing (one plays bass, the other piano), and it's just deeply comforting, even when they get notes wrong.

- The strawberry plant that I was afraid wouldn't make it through winter is growing eight strawberries! 

- I bought a ladybug house for the ladybugs I ordered. I hope they like it. (We have an aphid problem, and my milkweed plants are struggling.)

- Okay, yes, I read the news. I know what's out there. It's horrific. And it's exactly why the thing that is not on my mind right now is writing. Having written a post-apocalyptic series and now being faced with an apocalypse in process, I just can't. 

- So I started writing a fantasy. So far, my characters are wandering in forests and doing a lot of self-care. I know that fiction is about torturing characters, but I just can't hurt these guys. They're weird and complicated and good and human. And we all deserve to be looked after and cared for. 

Even fictional characters and ladybugs.

Be good to you.