Saturday, February 13, 2021

Diversifying Your Reading List

I am a list fanatic. Seriously. I have a list for everything. I would never get anything accomplished or keep my life in order without lists. I don't know how people survive without checkboxes. Lists, for me, make life easier and information more accessible.

What does that have to do with the SFF Seven's Black, Indigenous, and People of Color focus for this week, you ask? Well, I thought I would make your life easier by providing super helpful lists that will lead you to BIPOC authors.

I've often heard--I just never see books by people of color (I'm not rolling my eyes, okay maybe I am). So, no more excuses. We all need to work at diversifying our reading lists, and this is an easy way to do that. I'm handing you literal portals into list after list, packed with wonderful books just waiting for you to read them.

First, a few ways you can helpromote BIPOC authors:
  • Add their books to your Goodreads lists and share reviews. This provides much-needed visibility to your Goodreads friends.
  • Buy BIPOC authors' books. I know it's hard to avoid the Zon, but it really is best if we pre-order/order books from independent bookstores. You can even carry support a step further by ordering from BIPOC bookstores. (another list here)

  • Use social media. Follow these authors. Share their posts. Share pics of their books.

  • This is a reader post, but try seeking out BIPOC creatives in other realms as well. Artists, poets, musicians, etc.
Now, for the actual lists. I absolutely love perusing book lists. This is how you find the gems, y'all. Most of these are for readers of SF&F, but not all. 

BIPOC Focused Posts
Black Authors
Indigenous Authors
Asian Authors
Latinx Authors

These are not exhaustive lists. For even more reading/author recommendations, click the link below:

I hope you enjoy browsing and come away with several new reads. If so, come back and let me know what you're reading!