Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Worthy WiP

 Why this Work In Progress (WiP)? What about it resonates with me?

Well, this WiP--with the working title of Worthy--is the first of a futuristic-fantasy trilogy that examines a world where humanity's avarice, cruelty, and selfishness are regulated and policed. Where there is a distinct line between upholding the laws of society and addressing the corruption of an individual's nature.

One thing this real-world pandemic of disease and disinformation has brought into sharp focus is that there are those among us who are willfully--even gleefully--horrible people. They roll out of bed with the intention of fucking over people for no better reason than to feel a frisson of power. I despise those folks so deeply that my coping mechanism is to spend time deep-diving into a society where that vicious desperation for control is mitigated, where there is a third party who sees through actions and soundbites into the composition of an individual's nature and simply eradicates the source. What sort of society is that? Is that a utopia or does it breed new problems? Is depravity hardcoded into human nature? Is everything that makes humans bad simply rooted in an unfulfilled basic need? (Shout out to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs!)

Oh yeah, for sure, never fear, there's plenty of magic and whodunnits and conspiracies and slow-burn romance and all that good stuff. Hell, it even has a plot and a few substories to boot. Shocking, I know. Writing it is as disturbing as it is cathartic...which, makes being an author totally worth it.


  1. Replies
    1. If only there were some sort of second filtering stage after the chlorine in the gene pool...
