Thursday, January 27, 2022

Out of Focus Crystal Ball

fan shaped ice crystals covering a frozen lake

Let me peek into my crystal ball and tell you what my writing future for the coming year looks like...Hmm. Kinda outta focus. I guess my crystal ball is broken! 

This year my writing goals are to finish my next sci-fi thriller WIP and complete book 2—which actually takes place before book 1, soooo perhaps I should technically call it book 1? Anyway, complete book 2 in my epic fantasy series. 

I’d love to go on a writing retreat. To truly disconnect and not have the day-to-day responsibilities would be fantastic. It would also be awesome to attend SFWA’s Nebula conference, but I’m not sure if that’ll work out. 

In absolute certainty I can tell you that I will celebrate every high. And I will try to reach out in the lows. 

Since my crystal ball didn’t have much to say, what’s your future look like?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Year Ahead with Jeffe

This week at the SFF Seven we're taking a look at the future! We're asking: "What does your writing life look like for the upcoming year?" That includes book releases, WIP’s, retreats, cons, signings, etc. 

I just had my annual planning call with my agent, Sarah Younger at NYLA, yesterday and my year ahead is looking pretty damn busy!

Book Releases

First release of 2022 is the audiobook of DARK WIZARD, Book #1 in Bonds of Magic. This is Baby's First Self-Published Audiobook (TM) and I couldn't be more delighted about it! Book #2, BRIGHT FAMILIAR, and Book #3, GREY MAGIC, will also be releasing in audiobook this year, probably in March for both. Whee! 

Next up is GREY MAGIC, the current WIP, slated to be out February 28. After that, the long awaited finale, THE STORM PRINCESS AND THE RAVEN KING, Book #4 in Heirs of Magic, will be out in April (I hope!)

Those are my only slated releases at this point, but there's lots more coming!


Does it count as a WIP if it's out on submission? I have one of those out.

I'm going to finish a science fantasy I started two years ago. Super excited to get that out!

I may be doing a ghostwriting project :D

I'd like to begin a new trilogy in the Bonds of Magic world.

I have a new shiny idea that I'd love to write, that Sarah is excited about too!

If this sounds like more than one person can humanly write, it probably is. Ever in motion is the future!


I don't do retreats because I do my best writing at home.


Also the Jack Williamson Lectureship in April, Apollycon in July, maybe ChiCon in September and possibly World Fantasy Con in November. 

Signings, etc.

Dependent on in-person events - cross our fingers!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

KAK"s Plans for 2022

What are my authorial plans for 2022?

Write MOAR books. 

I'm working on a new trilogy. Long-time readers of this blog know I'm a slow writer, so if I can write two of those books this year and finish the third in the spring next year, I'll be a happy camper.

Long-time readers of this blog also know that I'm a hermit, so no cons, no signings, and no waltzing with the plague, if at all possible. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Year Ahead

Our subject for this week: 

 Tell us your future: What does your writing life look like for the upcoming year? (Book releases, WIP’s, retreats, cons, signings, etc.)

  Well,  as always, the future looks busy and bright. I have many, many plans, or as I have always liked to say, i'm spinning a lot of plates. The catch is to keep them all going. 

On the novel fro t I have to finish THE warbORN, which is the last scheduled SEVEN FORGES novel. I'm already at work on a collaborative novel with my co-writing companion, Charles Rutledge, and I have three novellas scheduled to finish this year, plus at least five short stories. You can add into that plans for at least  two anthologies that I am editing or co-editing, 

I like to stay busy.

Did I mention I have a day job with a one-hour commute each way?

I'm not sure if I'll be going to any actual conventions in these times of plague, but there are plans for at least a couple of virtual cons to keep me busy, I'll be attending Boskone via the internet in February and others are at various stages of finalization.

Times are weird and that's all I can do for now, but, as always, I  have a hard time saying "No" to anything, so there are endless possibilities.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Year Ahead


This week's topic is Tell Us Your Future: What does your writing life look like for the upcoming year? (Events, signings, releases, etc.)

Book Releases: I have a new novel coming in August: book two in the Witch Walker trilogy, City of Ruin. I'm really excited for readers to continue Raina and Alexus's story. I also feel like I know more of what to expect this time with release frenzy, and to not schedule ANYTHING but promotional duties in August ;)

I'm also hoping to publish Silver Heart, my historical paranormal romance novella soon (2/15). It has a gorgeous new cover, and I'm expanding the story a little. This novella will act as a free lead magnet for The Witch Collector.

WIP's: I would LOVE to find time to work on a couple passion projects in 2022, though I still have A Gods' War (book three in the Witch Walker trilogy) to write. Still, I have three stories I'm itching to delve into. Two already have many chapters written, while the other is still stewing in my head, but I'm excited about all three.

Events/Signings/Cons/Writing Retreats: Honestly, I haven't gotten into the swing of things with public events yet. I have one book signing slated in Nashville for 2022, in June. That's UTOPiA Con. I'm still a little wary thanks to Covid. But, I might end up booking a few more signings, so we'll see. I think I'd like to focus more on 2023 events/signings/cons since I'll have the first two books of the trilogy out and the third will be on the way.

As for retreats, I sometimes head to the Smoky Mountains with a writing friend in the fall, and that might happen again this year. I also found a local retreat location, The Rockvale Writer's Colony here in Middle TN. They take applications for residencies, and it's a very affordable week or two away. I went there last year to finish The Witch Collector, and it was absolutely amazing. Having nothing else to think about except for writing was a game changer. It's a huge farm, with hiking trails and a big old house, along with separate cabins like The Granary. I hope to return this year. 

Author Endeavors:  I didn't expect, as an author, to need an Etsy store, but here we are ;) I get so many requests for signed books and swag, so I'm currently creating my store and hoping to have it stocked soon. It will be a work-in-progress as more items come in to the shop like art prints, magnetic bookmarks, candles, etc. And I'm excited. I love book swag so much, and knowing that readers want The Witch Collector swag is pretty epic.

Editor Projects: I've slowed down on editing tasks. I'm currently finishing the edit for On These Wicked Shores by Katherine Quinn, which releases in May. I have a couple other clients scheduled to turn in drafts for edits this year too, so we'll see how that goes!

I think that's it! It isn't much, but it will undoubtedly keep me extremely busy.

Are you attending any fun reader/bookish events this year? If you know of any in the Tennessee/mid-south area that I need to attend, let me know :)

For now, happy reading!

~ Charissa

Friday, January 21, 2022

Persistence On My Mind

On my mind today: this gal on the right who turned 19 on Thursday. She is the picture of persistence. She ached to be the queen of the household for so many years of her life. I honestly didn't know if she'd ever get to rule the roost. Erie held the position for most of Cuillean's life. When Erie died, Hatshepsut inherited the crown. Then Hatshepsut ceded her rulership to Cuillean just before dying unexpectedly. Cuillean is the undisputed queen of her domain at long last. Even if she's deaf as a post and drags one fore leg when she walks. Hobbles. Whatever. She keeps on. 

I'm doing my best to learn from her example. 

The other thing occupying my mind is a meme someone posted to a Facebook group. It hits kinda hard and I haven't gotten it out of my head for a few days, so I'm going to install it in yours and you can ponder (or wonder why humans are so intrinsically broken - whatever works) with me.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

On My Mind: A Fork in the Publishing Road

close up image from the board-game Life and a little blue plastic car with pink and red people inside sitting at a crossroads with the word Career and yes or no bubbles

It's 2022, year of the tiger, it's—well. It's that time I've earmarked for stepping back into the publishing game. Which's time to make a spreadsheet! 

When I started writing, my goal was traditional publishing due to time constraints from the day job. Then my chronic disease showed up and I traded in the lab career for my health and continued to pursue traditional publishing due to health constraints. But now that things are settling down, and I’m easing myself back into a writing routine, things are different. 

I read a lot last year and for once I paid attention to who published the books AND how had I found out about the book. 

68% of my reading list was published by the Big 5 (Penguin/Random House, Hachette, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, and Macmillan). Mostly via their imprints which produce certain genres, like Orbit who is a Sci-fi Fantasy imprint that’s owned by Hachette. I read 9 books from Orbit. 32% of last years’ reads were from small presses or self-published. 

Spreadsheets are fun! But what I found even more interesting was how I found these books. 

  • Middle Grade Book (I read to my kids at night—audiobook style): 6
  • Found Following the Author: 11
  • Part of a Series: 22
  • Goodreads: 26
  • Library (either on the shelf or from their newsletter): 32
  • Instagram: 35

Along with reading a lot I paid attention to various authors marketing strategies and what readers responded with the most enthusiasm. Because everything boils down to what Charissa posted about: know thy readers. If you can find the readers, your book will be seen. 

Armed with spreadsheet info I now come to a fork in the road…one of life’s decisions. Which way do I go? Traditional publishing or Non-trad? It’s like playing the board-game Life and having to decide to go to college or get a job! To add to the conundrum, I write science fiction and fantasy. Do I go the same route with both works?

Things look different now, both in my capabilities and the publishing landscape. A debut author at one of the Big 5 isn’t as likely to get the marketing dollars, so I need to determine what they do bring to the table and is it worth the gamble that my work would earn enough to be considered a successful ROI in their books. A debut with a smaller press would bring different expectations, both with what they provide and what they consider a success. And again, it all comes down to where are the readers.

It’s time to weigh the pros and cons of trad publishing against non-trad. I need to determine what I want to control, how much I can handle, and what I want someone else to tackle. And it might end up being different paths for sci-fi and fantasy.

Are any of you writers debating which path to take with your work? Are any of you writers out there happy with the road you did travel?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Learning to Love the Winter Garden


Our topic this week at the SFF Seven is, verbatim, On Your Mind (Winter).

So, I'm posting a photo I took this morning from the winter garden. We've had a mild winter, and the secret garden is walled and makes a protected microclimate, so I actually have a winter garden. 

Some of you may know that I love to garden. I mention it in interviews when I'm asked what I do that isn't reading or writing. Gardening is a big piece. It sounds like a small thing when I say it, but nurturing a garden, planning it, spending time in it, all shape how I live. 

I became interested in the concept of a winter garden back when I lived in Wyoming and winters were so very bleak. The idea is to plan a garden with the entire season in mind. It's easier to envision the spring flowers, the midsummer lushness, adding in the plants that bloom in the autumn, but thinking toward the largely leafless winter is a different kind of vision. What plants bring visual interest in their starker, hibernating states? What offers spots of color in a more monochromatic landscape? 

Part of the trick is loving the winter garden for what it is, not trying to replicate the garden of warmer seasons.

I think this is a metaphor for a great deal in our lives, as gardens tend to be.