Saturday, January 14, 2017

When It Comes to Creating Memes

I got crickets.....and my free stockphoto site gave me grasshoppers, locusts and lots and LOTS of emblems/logos/etc having to do with the game of cricket. No actual crickets. Which probably sums up my feeling about doing memes nicely.

It's like me and telling jokes. I can laugh at a joke. Can I ever successfully retell it? No. Not even if I had Abbott and Costello standing right next to me, coaching me through every bit of their famous "Who's on First?" routine.

I used to love the "LOL Can I Haz Cheeseburger" cat memes but I guess they ran their course.

I enjoy the Boromir "One does not simply..." memes...

I knew the whole doge meme thing was going to die. Too complicated....

Not a visual, 'one picture with punchline story teller' here, folks. Would love to be but we all have our limits. It's like Sam getting handed a rope, versus the cool daggers, golden strands of hair and the eternal starlight and whatever else the other Hobbits received from Galadriel that morning. I'm Sam today, with my lowly rope, no glittery, fabulous item to share.

With the help of my cat Jake I DID manage to create a sort of clever ad for PETS IN SPACE, a Library Journal Pick for Best Books of 2016! Which is on sale for $.99 for one week only, January 17th through the 23rd (if you don't - gasp - have your copy yet)....

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