Monday, August 16, 2021

The pros and cons of the writing gig

What are your favorite and least favorite things about publishing? Oh, my...So many options.

Dislikes: 1) Everything happens so slowly, except the deadlines to turn around edits. Inevitably once you've turned in a book the hurry up and wait begins.. Then, and this is UNIVERSALLY WITH EVERY BOOK I'VE EVER DELIVERED TO A MAJOR HOUSE, when they shoot themmanuscript back to you, they want it back in ten days please.

2) once again with the major houses, I've had remarkaby little say on cover art.

3) could we, maybe, just this once mind you, try advretising the book/ you know, so i can spend my time writing?

4) wouod we maybe be able to work out buying the book on an outline and a few smple chapters? It happens, but not as often as I'd like.

5) I got you blurbs. Can we use them?


1) I have 9 moths to write this. Plkay, I'll spend seven months on other prok=jects, but I have 9 months!!!

2) Damn, that's some pretty cover art. With the exception of maybe three covrs, I've almost universally loved the artwork for my books.

3)Self-publishing is no longer a sin. BAD edit jobs are, but not self-publishing. I'll take what i can get. 4) i love occasionally writing media tie-ins. I'd do that more often if it were offered. How can you NOT love writing in some of your favorite sand boxees?

5) I can nver say how much i've learned from good editors, and I am normally blessed with good editors.

A bonus ;love: I get so much excitement out of projects that stick in my mind and whispr to me. The image below is one of many pieces of insoiration for my nove abut the Bogeyman. I'm 30,000 words into this beast and its echoing around in the back of my head. This is goingto be deliciousy evil fun!

What are YOU working on, writer types? Artist types?