Thursday, October 24, 2019

Administering Self Care

Good news, everybody!  I just finished the draft of the novel I'll have coming out next year!  Which is awesome, I'm thrilled. 

Of course, checking my schedule and timelines, that means I need to get started on the draft of the next project... er... now.

I mean, this is good, this is how I designed things.  What I just finished was the last book of the last contract, and what I'm about to start is the first book of the new contract, and if I didn't have that already lined up and ready to get started RIGHT NOW, I would probably spiral out into a whirlwind of WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW?

But even still, this sort of pace can take its toll.  So, while I will be starting that now-ish, I AM going to take a bit of time first to do things like re-organize my space, a few days of Not Writing Anything, re-assess long term plans, and generally get my head in the right place to Write The Next Book.

Plus: chiropractor.  Yeah, that's a thing to do this week.

Because even running like a massive writing machine, I need to keep the machine maintained.