I was away at MileHi Con this weekend and missed posting yesterday, but since James is on leave, I thought I'd cross-post my podcast, First Cup of Coffee, here. I address this week's topic at the SFF Seven: the care and feeding of the writer in your life.
About MileHi Con and more on success as the progressive realization of a goal. Also on the care and feeding of the writer in your life - and Exciting News on the Frolic Podcast Network! Article here. https://deadline.com/2019/10/frolic-podcast-network-romance-genre-launch-1202764475/
First Cup of Coffee is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. You can find more outstanding podcasts to subscribe to at Frolic.media/podcasts!
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Care and Feeding of the Writer in Your LIfe
care and feeding of the writer in your life,
First Cup of Coffee,
Frolic Podcast Network,
Jeffe Kennedy,
Mile Hi Con,
October 21 2019,
success as ongoing effort