Thursday, June 11, 2020

Spotlight to support Authors of Color

The world's on fire. We went silent last week at the SFF Seven to give space for the voices that needed to be heard, and now we all need to be on the same page. Because after the fire's out I hope the world is changed and stays changed. As James stated earlier in the week; Black Lives Matter and Black Authors Matter. 

Writing a book is hard. Publishing is hard. And if the deck is stacked against you before you even begin? It's even harder. So this week we're spotlighting some of our favorite reads by Authors of Color, particularly African American writers.

With the pandemic I've gone back and binged on some comfort reads, some series that I know well (have read multiple times already). One of them was:

Dragon Kin Series by G.A. Aiken (A.K.A. Shelly Laurenston)
This paranormal romance series is about dragon shapeshifters and those who fall in love with them. Book one has always been, and still is, my favorite. Annwyl's mouth makes me laugh out loud!

Earthsinger Chronicles by L. Penelope
This fantasy romance series has GORGEOUS covers! Which was what originally drew me to them in the first place. Then on Jeffe's First Cup of Coffee she started talking about L. Penelope's podcast, My Imaginary Friends, they both cross-reference each other in streaks. And after that, I had to crack open the first book. The series has magic and war...I was swept away! Cry of Metal & Bone comes out in August and might be my fave cover of the series so far!

MEM by Bethany C. Morrow
This art deco historical fiction has an exciting, sci-fi twist: scientists have discovered how to extract memories, and the result is a clone copy of the person! But one clone begins to have her own memories... It blew. My. Mind. It's definitely one of the novels I believe everyone should read. I'm eagerly waiting for news that Morrow has another sci-fi release coming. *crossing-fingers*

Have you read any of these? If not, seriously...check out the covers!! I'm such a sucker for a good book cover.