Saturday, October 8, 2016

Where do I Write? And other Trivia

Forgive me if you've seen this photo before, but I do all my writing (and my social media surfing and my e mail) at my great grandmother's desk, which I inherited years ago. I keep an ever changing collection of knickknacks on the top but usually ancient Egyptian themed, even when I'm writing science fiction romance. Since I currently live with just my two feline supervisors, the desk is in my living room, with their chair beside it. I have a boring office desk chair with ergonomic features. Cats are nothing but ergonomic.

See anything wrong with the framed cover photo above the desk by the way?

Song of the Nile was the original title of my first novel to be published by Carina, but before the release date someone else came out with a novel of the very same name so we switched to Priestess of the Nile for my book. It amuses me to have the original title cover art...

I also do a lot of good thinking and plotting outside on my
balcony, usually in the wee hours of the morning, or late at night.

Sometimes I sit at my dining room table and do some aspects of plotting by hand, on a lavender legal pad.

Driving the freeway with the music blasting and just thinking about my stories is also useful.

Since  I've shown you my first cover art, let me show you NOT the cover art, but the special illustration we commissioned from artist Nyssa Juneau to go with my story "Star Cruise" Stowaway" in the PETS IN SPACE  anthology. We thought it'd be fun to have her do an illustration for each story. My original came in the mail today and I dashed off to Michael's to get a frame. It's just SO cool and fun for me to see Midorri the alien pet especially depicted with her ring tail and big eyes and more than four feet!

Remember to get your copy of PETS IN SPACE, either by pre-ordering now (links below) or at the Amazon link which won't go live until Tuesday the 11th!!!

Since one of our authors is a veteran and almost all of us have relatives who have served in the military, we selected a charity to benefit which provides service dogs to veterans.

The blurb for Pets In Space:
Even an alien needs a pet...

Join the adventure as nine pet loving sci-fi romance authors take you out of this world and pull you into their action-packed stories filled with suspense, laughter, and romance. The alien pets have an agenda that will capture the hearts of those they touch. Follow along as they work side by side to help stop a genetically-engineered creature from destroying the Earth to finding a lost dragon; life is never the same after their pets decide to get involved. Can the animals win the day or will the stars shine just a little less brightly?

New York Times, USA TODAY, Award Winning, and Best selling authors have eight original, never-released stories and one expanded story giving readers nine amazing adventures that will capture your imagination and help a worthy charity. Come join us as we take you on nine amazing adventures that will change the way you look at your pet!

10% of the first month’s profits go to Hero Dogs raises and trains service dogs and places them free of charge with US Veterans to improve quality of life and restore independence.

And the blurb for Star Cruise: Stowaway:
Cargo Master Owen Embersson is shocked when the Nebula Zephyr’s ship’s cat and her alien sidekick, Midorri, alert him to the presence of a stowaway. He has no idea of the dangerous complications to come – nor does he anticipate falling hard for the woman whose life he now holds in his hands. Life aboard the Nebula Zephyr has just become more interesting – and deadly.

Buy Links:

Amazon   TBD on Release

Trivia to reward you for reading all the way to here: the 8th is my birthday and Ghost of the Nile is up for a RONE Award this evening :) so I have my fingers crossed! It was an honor to be a Finalist but would be so cool to win....Happy My Birthday to Everyone - HUGS!