Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why reviews are the most valuable thing ever

If you're here looking for marketing insight or information about how reviews affect sales or branding or  anything regarding the business part of writing, my fellow SFF Seven folks have got you covered. Just keep reading this week and you'll soak up all the wisdom.

But you won't get much biz wisdom from me. My only thought nugget regarding reviews is THANK YOU. 

Thank you to the people who read my book and said something nice about it. 

Thank you even more to people who read both my books and left reviews for them -- you are my madstone in a very bitey biz.

Thank you to the people who read my books, found something they disliked, and then left a review so that other people who dislike that dislikable thing won't dive into the book and then get disappointed.

Thank you to the people who bought my book and didn't finish it but left a review saying why they DNF'd and at what point. I'm pretty sure you aren't the only reader who was bored or turned off at that spot, and being a reader is like being a writer: it's valuable to know when we aren't alone.

Thank you to that one dude on Goodreads who made some assumptions about my personal sexual promiscuity and relationship with my parents. I'm ... sure leaving that review helped you work through some stuff.

All this to say that yes, reviews are worth it. They are worth your time because they remind me that all this work, all this effort and care and hope and incantation I put into a story is being received. I've shouted my existence into the stars, and someone has replied.

Yes, I heard you and loved your message, you might have said. 

Yes, I heard you and think you're full of crap, you also possibly said. 

Yes, I heard you and you aren't alone, you always, definitely said.

And that has value.