Thursday, December 10, 2020

Alexia's Guide to Holiday Book Giving ~ 2020!

9 books lined up. From left to right and then down: Where Dreams Descend, Broken Wish, Starting & Saving Seeds, Deception by Gaslight, These Violent Delights, Murder on Cold Street, Mistletoe & Mr. Right, A Ritchie Boy, and The Heir Affair

 Book Promo: shouting/beaming/gushing about your newly 
(or not so newly) released book in order to get people to know about it! 

I’m not going turn into a claymation wiseman and burst into song—I’ll save that torture for my sweet family—but we’ll see how I feel about promo-ing my own book come summer 2021 when THE MARS STRAIN releases on audio! 

What I am going to share with you today is a peek at my recent library haul that also doubles as a Guide To Holiday Book Giving

I had 19 books on hold for me—19! I either really impressed or shocked my local librarian…I’ll go with impressed. But hey, winter is coming to Minnesota and that means I must be stocked at all times. And now I know which books are going on my wish list! 

So, if you're looking for a book gift for someone check out these recs (genre is in bold and links to Goodreads for easy browsing). Enjoy!

THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS by Chloe Gong is a Historical Fantasy that gives the classic Romeo and Juliet new life! The writing grips you from the very beginning and fills you with the character’s hate, love, and loyalty. I absolutely MUST own a hardcover copy of this book! 

DECEPTION BY GASLIGHT by Kate Belli is a Historical Murder Mystery with a twist on Robin Hood in the Gilded Age. Intrigued? You should be, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough for these two sleuths to solve the murder!!

MURDER ON COLD STREET by Sherry Thomas is book five in the Lady Sherlock series which are Historical Mysteries. I adore Charlotte Holmes and can't get enough of this brilliant, quirky character. If you enjoy Sherlock spins, you'll love these—though these really should be read in order.

MISTLETOE & MR. RIGHT by Sarah Morgenthaler is a perfect, quirky, funny, Contemporary Romance set in Alaska. Her writing makes you feel as if you're in the middle of nowhere gorgeousness and only waiting for a Growly Bear drink to appear in your hand. If you/your loved one need a laugh and some Christmas romance—this is it!

A RITCHIE BOY by Linda Kass is a WWII Historical Fiction based on the group of young men, mostly Jewish German-speaking immigrants, who were sent undercover to aid the Allies. An uplifting story about these selfless young men.

THE HEIR AFFAIR by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan is pure, Chick Lit fun. If you're looking for a little drama, love, backstabbing to take your mind off the same four walls you've likely been staring at for the past eight months—read this series.

WHERE DREAMS DESCEND by Janella Angeles is YA Fantasy that mashes up The Phantom of the Opera and Moulin Rouge with loads of magic! If any of that hits a high note with you—go buy this book! This is another MUST add to my personal library.

BROKEN WISH by Julie C. Dao is a YA Historical Fantasy—that's right, all that thrown into one glorious book! Magical powers, a Witch of the Wood, and in Dao's own words: a dark fractured fairy tale. Dao has quickly become one of my go-to authors as her writing never fails to transport me. The cover is beautiful, the words inside even better, which means—it's a must buy!

STARTING AND SAVING SEEDS by Julie Thompson-Adolf is my only Nonfiction rec, but it's a Gardening rec! If you or your loved one is in to growing things—and it's possible to be in to growing things and still not be great at it BTW—I've found this little gem full of helpful tips! 

Honorable Mention 

(because I didn't have the book handy to add in the picture

—but is great nonetheless!)

A SONG OF WRAITHS AND RUIN by Roseanne A. Brown is a YA Fantasy based on mythology. Brown's writing brought her West African mythology inspired world to life! So, so good and a high recommendation if YA fantasy is your thing.

Science Fiction—sci-fi thrillers are noticeably absent from my list this year. Can anyone help a girl out? Got any SF gift suggestions?