Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Promo: The Lemon Juice and Paper Cut of Writing

Hey, guess what we're talking about this week on SFF Seven? 

Here's a hint: it's not being buried alive, snuggling with spiders, or non-consensual skydiving. But close!

It's promo. We're talking about promo. Specifically, we're supposed to promote ourselves or someone else. The latter isn't so bad. I mean, hey, social-media sharing of tasty new releases is one of my very favorite things. And every time I see a "can somebody rec a book that..." or "whatcha reading and liking?" question, I'm all over that. (Currently am reading Piranesi by Susanna Clarke and really liking it, but that's not surprising as her Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell was brilliant. Also stoked about recent release Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse, and if you haven't read the teaser excerpt for that, I challenge you to do so and then not buy the book immediately. It's wow with whipped cream on top.)

So, yeah, promo for others is easy. It's fun. It makes me feel good. 

Promo for myself is like lugeing naked.

Or, as Miracle Max put it in my all-time favorite movie, "Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?"

But, you know, official topic of the week. So here goes.

I've written some books. Some readers have enjoyed them, others maybe not so much, but most are still, huh you write books? If you are in that third category, you could check out my backlist.  This one is my favorite so far. It's about a sentient AI who just wants to be a good person and figure out some way to smooch her honey. Also possibly liberate machinekind.

Well, hey. Okay. That wasn't too terrible. 

Might even do it again someday.